Slow the F Down

Ivan Kalungi Clausen
3 min readAug 2, 2023

A guide to peace and productivity in a world obsessed with speed.

Photo by Saffu on Unsplash

Sometimes it feels like everything is running on an endless fast-forward mode. We constantly try to do more, become more, and achieve more. It’s as if we’re in a never-ending battle against time. How often do you pause and hit the brakes a little just for the sake of it? Is it possible to just slow the f down and why would you?

I promise you, we are on the same page — this isn’t about promoting laziness or hiding from responsibilities and goals. Quite the contrary. It’s about slowing down just enough to notice. To feel. To experience. To breathe. If we compare life to a movie, the idea is to slow-mo some of the scenes, truly watch them, and marvel at the value hidden in each frame.

Slowing Down for Smoothness

As the great saying goes, “Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” By slowing down, we give ourselves a chance to complete each task with more attention and intention. We reduce errors, enhance quality, and surprisingly, increase overall productivity.

Think about it. Rushing usually results in mistakes, which then take additional time and effort to fix. On the other hand, a slow, deliberate approach often gets it right sooner than later. So, in essence, slow can be fast! The idea is not to shoot for no mistakes but to assure that the mistakes contain valuable lessons and are not “just” common sense slapping you in the face.

The Wonders of Slowing Down

Slowing down allows you to see the world in a different light. To see all of the light. It reveals the intricate details that are easy to overlook — the hum of a bumblebee, the rhythm of the rain, or the serenity of a sunrise. It tunes you into the sounds, smells, and views you constantly overlook, creating and adding to, what could be an immersive worthwhile experience.

Slowing down has profound effects on our minds, too. It calms us down, reducing stress and anxiety. It enables our brains to process information better, fostering clarity of thought and creativity. And importantly, it allows us to be present — to truly participate in the moment instead of merely thinking about it.

Slow-Mo Your Life

Start simple. During your next conversation, try to slow down your responses. Listen, absorb, and then react. You’ll notice the conversation becoming more engaging, authentic, and meaningful.

Then, extend this practice to other aspects of your life. Slow down your morning coffee run and turn it into a ritual. Experience the aroma, the warmth, and the flavor. Slow down your walks, and observe your surroundings as much as you possibly can. Slow down your breath, and feel the calmness wrap around you.

You see, slowing down isn’t about doing everything at a snail’s pace. It’s about pausing, noticing, and most of all appreciating. It’s about creating pockets of calmness in the middle of all the chaos we get thrown at us daily. It’s about experiencing life in its raw, unbothered form.

Embrace the Slow

The fast-paced, hurried lifestyle isn’t going anywhere. Trust me. The world isn’t going to slow down for you. So, it’s up to YOU to slow it down. Create a piece of peace whenever you allow yourself to.

Make it a daily mission to randomly slow down and just cherish the moment, exactly where you are, no matter the circumstance, type of day, etc. Make ‘slow-mo’ a recurring part of your life — a means to experience, understand, and appreciate the world around you better.

So, slow the F down! There’s a beautiful world waiting to be noticed with a kinder pace. And who knows, you might just find out that the ‘slowness’ pushes you forward in life in ways the speed alone can’t!

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Ivan Kalungi Clausen

A journal of sorts 💡 Navigating the worlds of creativity, entrepreneurship, and product management. Sharing insights and learning through writing.🕹️💭